
Options trading is a complex and dynamic world that offers investors a wide array of strategies to hedge risk or speculate on market movements. One crucial concept in options trading is “Out of the Money” (OTM) options.

Understanding what OTM options are and how they work is essential for anyone looking to navigate the world of options trading effectively.

What Are Out of the Money (OTM) Options?

In options trading, an option is a contract that gives the holder (buyer) the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset, such as a stock, at a specified price (strike price) on or before a specified date (expiration date). Options can be classified into three main categories based on their relationship to the current market price of the underlying asset: in the money (ITM), at the money (ATM), and out of the money (OTM).

Out of the Money (OTM) options are those where the strike price is significantly different from the current market price of the underlying asset, making them less valuable in the present market conditions. There are two types of OTM options: OTM call options and OTM put options.

  1. Out of the Money (OTM) Call Options: These are call options with a strike price higher than the current market price of the underlying asset. In other words, if you were to exercise an OTM call option, you would be buying the asset at a higher price than what it’s currently worth in the market. OTM call options are typically used when traders believe that the underlying asset’s price will increase significantly before the option’s expiration date.
  2. Out of the Money (OTM) Put Options: Conversely, OTM put options have a strike price lower than the current market price of the underlying asset. If you were to exercise an OTM put option, you would be selling the asset for less than its current market value. Traders often buy OTM put options when they anticipate a substantial drop in the underlying asset’s price before the option expires.

Why Use OTM Options?

While OTM options may seem counterintuitive at first glance, there are several reasons why traders choose to use them:

  1. Lower Cost: OTM options are typically less expensive than in the money options, making them an attractive choice for traders with limited capital.
  2. Leverage: Due to their lower cost, OTM options offer traders a way to control a larger position in the underlying asset with a smaller upfront investment.
  3. Speculation: Traders use OTM options when they have a strong belief that the underlying asset’s price will move significantly in their favor. If their prediction is correct, the potential returns from OTM options can be substantial.
  4. Risk Management: Some traders use OTM options as part of more complex options strategies to hedge their positions and limit potential losses.

Characteristics of OTM Options:

  1. Price Relationship: The defining characteristic of OTM options is their price relationship with the underlying asset. Call options are considered OTM when the strike price is above the current market price of the asset, while put options are OTM when the strike price is below the current market price.
  2. Extrinsic Value: OTM options consist primarily of extrinsic value. Extrinsic value is the portion of an option’s premium that is not tied to the intrinsic value (the profit that could be made by immediately exercising the option). Extrinsic value includes factors like time decay and implied volatility.
  3. Time Decay (Theta): OTM options are particularly susceptible to time decay. As the expiration date approaches, the extrinsic value of these options diminishes rapidly. This is because there is less time for the underlying asset’s price to move in a favorable direction.
  4. Leverage Magnification: OTM options offer traders the potential for substantial leverage. A relatively small investment in an OTM option can control a much larger position in the underlying asset. This leverage can amplify both gains and losses, making risk management crucial.
  5. Volatility Sensitivity: OTM options are particularly sensitive to changes in implied volatility. An increase in implied volatility can significantly boost the extrinsic value of OTM options, potentially making them more profitable. Conversely, a drop in implied volatility can erode their value.
  6. Delta and Probability: The Delta of an option measures how much the option’s price is expected to change for a $1 change in the underlying asset’s price. OTM options have Delta values closer to zero, indicating a lower probability of expiring in the money. For example, an OTM call option with a Delta of 0.20 implies a 20% chance of the option expiring in the money.

Strategies Involving OTM Options:

  1. Speculative Trading: Many traders use OTM options when they have a strong belief that the underlying asset will experience a substantial price movement. For instance, if an investor believes that a stock trading at $50 will rise significantly due to a pending product release, they might buy OTM call options with a strike price of $60. If the stock indeed surges, the call options can deliver substantial profits.
  2. Covered Calls: Some investors employ a strategy known as the “covered call” using OTM call options. In this strategy, an investor who already owns the underlying asset (e.g., 100 shares of stock) sells OTM call options against that asset. If the stock’s price remains below the strike price of the call options, the investor keeps the premium from selling the calls. If the stock rises above the strike price, the investor may have to sell the shares at that price but still benefits from the premium received.
  3. Protective Puts: OTM put options can be used as a form of insurance or protection against a decline in the value of the underlying asset. Investors who hold a substantial position in a stock may buy OTM put options to limit potential losses in case the stock’s price drops.
  4. Combination Strategies: Traders often combine OTM options with other options to create more complex strategies, such as strangles or straddles. These strategies involve buying both OTM call and put options with different strike prices and can profit from significant price volatility.
  5. Long Call or Put: Traders can buy OTM call options when they anticipate a significant upward price movement in the underlying asset. Conversely, they can buy OTM put options when they expect a substantial downward price movement. These strategies offer the potential for high returns but carry the risk of total loss if the market doesn’t move as anticipated.
  6. Vertical Spreads: A vertical spread strategy involves simultaneously buying and selling options of the same type (either calls or puts) on the same underlying asset but with different strike prices. Traders can create a debit spread using OTM options by buying the cheaper OTM option and selling a more expensive OTM option with a higher strike price. This strategy can limit both potential gains and losses while reducing the overall cost of the trade.
  7. Iron Condors: An iron condor is a neutral strategy that combines both call and put credit spreads. Traders use OTM options for the short positions and aim to profit from a range-bound market. This strategy benefits from time decay and a decrease in implied volatility.
  8. Ratio Spreads: Ratio spreads involve an uneven number of long and short options. Traders might employ a ratio call spread, for instance, by buying one OTM call option and selling two or more OTM call options with higher strike prices. This strategy can offer higher potential profits if the market moves in the anticipated direction.

Managing Risk with OTM Options:

Managing risk is paramount when trading OTM options due to their leverage and sensitivity to market conditions. Here are additional considerations:

  1. Diversification: Avoid putting all your capital into a single OTM option. Diversify your options portfolio to spread risk.
  2. Stop Loss Orders: Consider using stop-loss orders to limit potential losses if the market moves against your OTM options.
  3. Thorough Research: Conduct thorough research and analysis before trading OTM options. Understand the factors influencing the underlying asset’s price and the potential impact of time decay and implied volatility.
  4. Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance and only invest what you can afford to lose. The leverage of OTM options can magnify losses as well as gains.
  5. Position Sizing: Determine the appropriate position size based on your risk tolerance and overall portfolio. Avoid over-committing capital to any single OTM option trade.
  6. Implied Volatility Analysis: Monitor implied volatility levels, as changes can significantly impact the value of OTM options. Some traders use volatility-based indicators like the VIX to inform their trading decisions.
  7. Time Frame: Consider the time horizon for your OTM option trade. Shorter time frames can increase the impact of time decay, while longer-term options may require a more substantial price move to become profitable.
  8. Exit Strategies: Define clear exit strategies before entering a trade. This includes setting profit targets and stop-loss levels to lock in gains or limit potential losses.
  9. Continuous Learning: The options market is complex and constantly evolving. Stay informed about market news, economic events, and changes in market sentiment that can affect your OTM options.
  10. Limited Intrinsic Value: OTM options have no intrinsic value at expiration because exercising them would not yield a profit. Their value is entirely extrinsic, dependent on factors like time decay and implied volatility.


Out of the Money (OTM) options are a vital component of options trading, offering both opportunities and risks for traders. While they can be less expensive and provide substantial leverage, they require a significant price move in the underlying asset to become profitable.

Traders should carefully consider their risk tolerance, market outlook, and trading strategies when deciding whether to use OTM options. As with any investment, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and, if necessary, seek advice from financial professionals before engaging in options trading, especially with OTM options.

FAQs about OTM

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Out of the Money (OTM) options.

1. What exactly does “Out of the Money” (OTM) mean in options trading?

In options trading, an option is considered “Out of the Money” (OTM) when its strike price is significantly different from the current market price of the underlying asset. For call options, this means the strike price is higher than the asset’s market price, while for put options, it means the strike price is lower than the market price.

2. Why would I consider trading OTM options?

There are several reasons to consider trading OTM options, including their lower upfront cost, potential for significant returns if the market moves in the anticipated direction, and their use in various strategies like speculation, hedging, or generating income.

3. What are some common strategies involving OTM options?

Common strategies include buying OTM call options to speculate on a significant price increase in the underlying asset, buying OTM put options to speculate on a significant price decrease, using vertical spreads to limit risk, employing iron condors for range-bound markets, and using ratio spreads to enhance profit potential.

4. How do OTM options compare to In the Money (ITM) and At the Money (ATM) options?

ITM options have strike prices favorable to the current market price, meaning they have intrinsic value. ATM options have strike prices close to the current market price. OTM options, on the other hand, have strike prices significantly different from the current market price and, therefore, rely mainly on extrinsic value.

5. What risks should I be aware of when trading OTM options?

OTM options have a lower probability of expiring profitably, are highly sensitive to time decay, and can be impacted by changes in implied volatility. Due to their leverage, they can result in significant losses if the market moves against your position.

6. How can I manage risk when trading OTM options?

To manage risk effectively, consider position sizing, set stop-loss orders to limit losses, monitor implied volatility, define exit strategies, and continuously educate yourself about market dynamics. Diversifying your options portfolio can also help spread risk.

7. Are OTM options suitable for all investors?

OTM options are not suitable for all investors. They are considered riskier due to their lower probability of profitability and sensitivity to market conditions. It’s crucial to assess your risk tolerance, financial goals, and level of experience before trading OTM options. Consulting with a financial advisor or options trading professional is advisable, especially if you are new to options trading.


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