free float

Free float is a fundamental concept in the world of financial markets and trading. It plays a crucial role in determining a stock’s liquidity and, subsequently, its attractiveness to investors. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just beginning to explore the intricacies of the stock market, understanding what free float is and how it impacts trading is essential.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of free float, its significance, and how it can influence your investment decisions.

What is Free Float?

Free float, often referred to as the public float or simply float, represents the total number of a company’s outstanding shares that are available for trading by the general public and institutional investors. These are the shares that are not held by company insiders, such as executives, directors, and employees, and are not restricted from trading. In essence, free float measures the liquidity of a company’s stock in the open market.

Calculating free float involves subtracting insider holdings and restricted shares from the total outstanding shares of a company. It is a critical metric that influences a stock’s liquidity, price volatility, investor interest, and market capitalization, making it an essential concept for traders and investors to understand.

Calculating Free Float: The Magic Formula

Calculating free float involves a straightforward formula:

Free Float = Total Outstanding Shares – Insider Holdings – Restricted Shares

  1. Total Outstanding Shares: This figure represents the total number of a company’s shares, including those held by insiders and restricted shares.
  2. Insider Holdings: These are shares owned by the company’s officers, directors, and employees. These shares aren’t typically available for trading due to regulatory restrictions and holding periods.
  3. Restricted Shares: Some shares may be restricted from trading due to various reasons, such as shares issued in private placements, unvested stock options, or shares subject to lock-up agreements during an initial public offering (IPO).

Example of Free Float Calculation

Let’s take Company XYZ as an example. Company XYZ has a total of 5,000,000 outstanding shares. Among these shares:

  • Company insiders, including executives and employees, hold 1,000,000 shares.
  • Prominent institutional investors hold 500,000 shares.
  • Restricted shares, due to lock-up agreements from a recent IPO, amount to 300,000 shares.

To calculate the free float of Company XYZ:

Free Float = Total Outstanding Shares – Insider Holdings – Institutional Holdings – Restricted Shares

Free Float = 5,000,000 – 1,000,000 – 500,000 – 300,000 = 3,200,000

Now, to determine the Free Float percentage:

Free Float Percentage = (3,200,000 / 5,000,000) * 100 = 64%

So, the free float of Company XYZ is 3,200,000 shares, which represents 64% of the total outstanding shares. This means that 64% of Company XYZ’s shares are available for trading by the general public and other investors, making it a relatively liquid stock in the market.

Significance of Free Float in Trading

  1. Liquidity: The free float directly impacts a stock’s liquidity. Stocks with a larger free float tend to be more liquid, meaning they can be bought or sold in larger quantities without significantly affecting the stock’s price. This is particularly important for institutional investors who trade large positions.
  2. Price Volatility: Stocks with a smaller free float can experience greater price volatility. When there are fewer shares available for trading, any significant buying or selling activity can have a more pronounced impact on the stock’s price.
  3. Investor Interest: Companies with a higher free float often attract more investor interest because they offer greater trading flexibility. This can lead to higher trading volumes and potentially more accurate price discovery.
  4. Market Capitalization: Free float plays a role in determining a company’s market capitalization, which is calculated by multiplying the stock’s current price by the number of outstanding shares available for trading. A higher free float can lead to a larger market capitalization, making the company more appealing to certain investors and index inclusion.
  5. Index Inclusion: Many stock indices, such as the S&P 500, have criteria based on free float market capitalization for inclusion. Companies with a substantial free float are more likely to be included in these indices, which can attract more institutional investment.

Investor Considerations

For investors, understanding a company’s free float is essential when making investment decisions. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Liquidity Needs: Consider your liquidity needs when investing. If you plan to trade frequently or invest in significant quantities, stocks with larger free floats may be more suitable.
  2. Volatility Tolerance: Be aware of the potential for greater price volatility in stocks with smaller free floats. This can present both opportunities and risks, depending on your investment strategy.
  3. Index Tracking: If you’re tracking a specific stock index, understanding free float requirements is crucial, as it can impact your investment choices.
  4. Long-Term vs. Short-Term: Your investment horizon matters. Stocks with different free float sizes may be more suitable for short-term trading or long-term investing.


In the world of trading and investing, free float is a key concept that influences a stock’s liquidity, price volatility, and attractiveness to investors. By understanding free float and its significance, you can make more informed investment decisions tailored to your objectives and risk tolerance. Whether you’re a novice investor or a seasoned trader, the concept of free float is a valuable tool for navigating the complex landscape of financial markets.

FAQs about Free Float

These FAQs should help clarify common questions about free float in trading and its importance in investment decisions.

1. What is the significance of free float in trading?

Free float is crucial because it measures a stock’s liquidity. It tells you how many shares are available for trading by the public and institutional investors, which can impact a stock’s price stability and attractiveness to investors.

2. How does free float affect stock price volatility?

Stocks with a smaller free float can experience greater price volatility. With fewer shares available for trading, significant buying or selling activity can have a more pronounced impact on the stock’s price.

3. What are restricted shares, and why are they not included in the free float?

Restricted shares are shares that have limitations on their trading. They can be restricted for various reasons, such as lock-up agreements during an IPO or unvested stock options. Since these shares are not readily tradable, they are excluded from the free float.

4. How can I find information about a company’s free float?

You can usually find information about a company’s free float in its financial reports or on financial news websites. Stock exchanges may also provide this data. Additionally, some financial data providers offer free float information for various stocks.

5. Why is free float important for index inclusion?

Many stock indices, such as the S&P 500, use criteria based on free float market capitalization for inclusion. Companies with a substantial free float are more likely to be included in these indices, which can attract more institutional investment.

6. Should I consider free float when making investment decisions?

Yes, understanding a company’s free float is essential when making investment decisions. Consider your liquidity needs, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Stocks with different free float sizes may be more suitable for different investment strategies.

7. Can free float change over time?

Yes, free float can change. When insiders sell or transfer their shares to the public or institutions, it increases the free float. Conversely, stock buybacks or restrictions placed on previously unrestricted shares can decrease the free float.

8. Is free float the same as the total number of outstanding shares?

No, free float is not the same as the total number of outstanding shares. Outstanding shares include all shares issued by a company, while free float excludes shares held by insiders and restricted shares.

9. Can a stock have a free float of 100%?

In theory, it’s possible for a stock to have a free float of 100%, meaning all outstanding shares are available for trading. However, in practice, most stocks have some level of insider holdings or restricted shares, making a 100% free float rare.


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